Derby Odbc Driver

  1. Derby Odbc Driver
  2. Derby Odbc Driver
  3. Apache Derby Odbc Driver
Derby Odbc Driver

ODBC Driver for Derby? IBM used to make an ODBC driver available for use with Derby. Is that still happening, or is that no longer supported? Thanks, David. A comprehensive index of the latest Data Drivers technologies for accessing databases, applications, and services, and WebAPIs. Derby ODBC driver for Derby 10.x. Available on Linux and Unix platforms.

Derby Odbc Driver

Derby Odbc Driver

Overview PHP is an open source general-purpose scripting language that can be embedded into HTML, making it suitable for Web development. Is the commercial release of the open source database. Wouldn't it be nice to use PHP to dynamically build Web pages from data stored in a Derby database? ODBC provides the middle link that lets you do exactly that. PHP supports and the IBM DB2® ODBC driver can be used to access Derby databases. This technical paper shows you how to tie all three together. First, it explains how to configure the IBM DB2 ODBC driver to work with Derby.

Next, it shows you how to install PHP on Windows and configure the Web server. Finally, it provides you with sample PHP code that executes SQL statements in a Derby database. Software requirements The software described in this section is available for download at no cost. Install one of the database options listed below:. (this includes the IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver). and the IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Additionally install all software listed below:. The instructions in this technical article were tested with PHP version 4.3.29 and 5.0.2; version 4.3.29 is recommended.

Using ODBC with Cloudscape is currently a beta configuration. A Web server. The instructions in this technical article were tested with the.

Additionally, they should work with the Configure the IBM DB2 ODBC client To use the IBM DB2 ODBC driver with a Derby database, the IBM DB2 client software needs to know where the Derby database is and what its name is, and it also needs to know that it is an ODBC data source. This section shows how to provide all this information by cataloging the node. The instructions in this section assume the following:. The Derby Network Server runs on the default port of 1527. You created a Derby database named DB1. The Derby database is on the same machine that the Web server is running on ('localhost').

First, identify the host and port that the remote database is running on. In this case, the Derby database is on the local machine ('localhost') and the Network Server is listening on the default port of 1527. You also need to provide a name for this node; for example purposes, call it CNS. Open a db2cmd window and catalog the CNS node to access localhost on port 1527, as shown below: db2 catalog tcpip node CNS remote localhost server 1527 Next, provide the name of the database to access on the CNS node, as shown below: db2 catalog db DB1 at node CNS authentication server Finally, catalog the database as an ODBC data source.

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Derby Odbc Driver

Apache derby odbc driver

You can do this using the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator, or by using the CLP command shown below: db2 catalog system odbc data source DB1 To check if the previous steps worked correctly to create the ODBC data source for the DB1 database, issue this command: db2 list system odbc data sources If the steps did work correctly you will see confirmation of the DB1 Data source name existing of type IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER. The commands shown above will fail if the node or database is already catalogued. If you experience any failures, the DB2 UDB commands below show how to uncatalog them and go back to the very beginning: db2 uncatalog node CNS db2 uncatalog db DB1 For a complete description of the IBM DB2 UDB catalog command, see the IBM DB2 Universal Database Command Reference.

Verify ODBC works with Derby Use the ODBC Data Sources tool in Windows to set up DB1 for a quick way to determine if ODBC can connect to the Derby Data Source. To access this tool in Windows XP go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC). This will bring up the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Select the 'System DSN' tab and if you cataloged the DB1 Data Source correctly you'll see it in this list. Highlight the DB1 under the 'Name' column and click the 'Configure.'

Button on the left. You'll see a window appear similar to the image below. Confirming the ODBC connection to the Derby data source.

ODBC for Cloudscape and Derby 10.0 and 10.1 databases IBM Cloudscape, Version 10, and Apache Derby databases can be used as a backend datasource for ODBC applications using a freely downloadable DB2 Run-Time Client. Additionally, the Run-Time Client provides a command line processor, the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP), which allows SQL statements to be executed against a Derby database. DB2 Run-Time Client packaging options The 8.2 version of the DB2 Run-Time Client is available in multiple packaging options depending on the functionality required and platform availability. All of the options discussed here provide ODBC support for Derby databases. However, using the DB2 Run-Time Client on Linux is a beta solution. A list of the packaging options and supported platforms is shown below in Table 1.

Apache Derby Odbc Driver

To select which version to download, first find the platform you wish to install the DB2 Run-Time client on, and then check the available packaging options for this platform. DB2 Run-Time Client packaging and platform support Platform Full Version Lite Version 'Minimal' Version Windows Windows 2000 X X Windows 2003 X Windows XP X X Windows 98 X Windows Me X Windows NT X Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition 9 X X Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS R3 X X Linux on Intel X Linux on S/390 and zSeries X Unix AIX (Versions 4.3 and 5) X HP-UX Version 11i X HP-UX Version 11i X DB2 Run-time Client feature comparision The table below shows a comparision between the features, sizes and limitations between versions. All provide ODBC support for Cloudscape and Derby databases. Regardless of which option you select, only one version can be installed on a single host. Depending on the packaging options available for your platform selected above, the information below will help you make a decision about which version to install.