Emule Invalid Part.met File

. Tell us some more.

  1. Esn Has Invalid Part Status

Upload in Progress. Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels. We are experiencing some problems, please try again. You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.

You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB.

You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB. You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or a video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). You can only upload a photo or a video. Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes.

Invalid Part.met File Version: It's a malfuncion/malware? EMule Mods - eMule 0.50a eMule. Fixed rare occuring problem with staled server source request related to invalid part.met file contents. Bluecow: More safety in.

Winzip 12.1 full version. Somewhere around 1996 the creators of WinZip incorporated compression code from the Info-ZIP project, thus dispensing with the need for the PKZIP executable to be present.

Photo should be smaller than 5mb.

You can use Shareaza to continue a download, these can then be imported into emule or transferred over using ed2k protocol - Method: Create a backup (because the method may be destructive!) Start the ed2k transfer from an ed2k link or magnet link in Shareaza. Alternatively, search for the file and begin to redownload it. Quit Shareaza, replace the newly created incomplete file with your lost file. Rename the lost file so that its name matches the associated sd file (sans sd extension). Open Shareaza, go to power mode (view menu).


Right click on the download and go to advanced edit and Reverify as if 100% complete. Shareaza will begin to reverify the download using the ed2k part hashes. The problem here is that Shareaza doesn't use emule's new Aich hashes, so some perfectly good pieces of the download may be tossed out. However Shareaza can use TigerTree (which is similar to AICH). Many files started with an ed2k link can acquire a Tiger Tree hash. You can then continue the download in Shareaza or you can try to continue the download in emule.

There are two ways you can try to continue the download in emule. The first is to import the download from Shareaza using that function in emule.

The problem is that this function usually doesn't work for Shareaza 2.1. But you can also start the download anew in emule, then still running Shareaza, add your global ip and Shareaza's port to the 'add source' dialogue box in emule. Your emule with then connect to your shareaza and the download should proceed rather quickly (some obvious settings in shareaza and emule may need to be tweaked). I've tried this, so I know it should work:-).

Thanks big time for this slugfiller and birk! I usually/used to use MetMedic but MetMedic has a big problem with files above a certain size and I had a 2.5gb file which I've downloaded over 75% when my part.met got corrupted coz of the stupid Nvidia ethernet drivers crashing my comp. I thought I was screwed until I came across this. I have to admit, personally, I've never quite understood how/why Emule allows part.mets to become corrupted.

I'm not a programmer but the way I see it, what should happen should be Emule renames the backup of part.met to another name and then tests it to make sure it looks okay. If it does, it then proceeds to make a new backup of the part.met and then tests it to make sure it looks okay. All being fine, it then deletes the temporary backup. Either that or it keeps two backups (I believe Emule plus does this but if I recall, last time I used it it was still capable of getting both backups and the main part.met totally borked) This post has been edited by Nil Einne: 15 June 2005 - 02:18 PM. EMule should have better recovery features built-in so that users shouldn't be having hair loss every time power goes down and PC unexpectedly shuts down - downloads get corrupted. I recently got this 'Invalid part.met file version!'

With few downloads and they won't show up in transfers list. Part files are all still there, but I have no idea what are their real filenames or hashes. Downloads.txt or it's backup don't have any info about them, perhaps because I didn't notice those errors immediately and eMule has removed those files from downloads.txt. So, I guess I'm SCREWED, nice. How the hell can all the part.met.baks also be corrupted?? Is eMule so stupid that it overwrites working backups with corrupted ones?

This post has been edited by Mr. Peltz: 27 December 2005 - 04:21 PM. My.part.met and.part.met.bak files of one of my downloads went missing after a crash, and I can't seem to get the darned recovery option from anywhere. Oh, and does it matter that I replaced eMule's.exe file with the mod thinger's exe?

EDIT: Heh, didn't see that part of the guide. I'll try reinstalling eMule to recover it (not the download) first or something. EDIT2: Nevermind, the file wasn't what I thought it was. This post has been edited by Grimsy: 17 January 2006 - 05:54 PM. I am having the same problem, my.part.met and.part.met.bak files are corrupted. I tried to recover the.part.met file using Met medic, Emule Doctor but failed.

I tried to import the download into emule but also failed. I had given up the recover process and decide to restart the download from scratch, I could not recall some of the filename and tried to search in Emule. Unfortunately, due to wrong search keyword, I could not find some of the files. I tried to search for link to this files in download.txt or download.txt.back but they are not found there either (I guess the download.txt was not updated regularly). Can any one tell me how to find out the Ed2k link of these lost files with only the.part file on hand. Thansk in advance.

This method by Birk + Slug Filler does work, providing you know what file you was downloading before it became corrupted, after your PC crashed and rebooted. But, as other people have stated, the download.txt file found in the eMule folder is redundant, as it only gives you the names/links of the CURRENT downloads, it doesn't list the corrupted ones, so this should be omitted from the guide as it causes confusion. The method I use to try to recognise corrupted part files is to use VLC player and try to play the file. Most work, it plays the first couple of mins of a video so you can see what it was. Also, look at the size of the file, that's usually a good clue. However, this only works for video files, any other type of file like.rar or.iso and you're stuck.

You have to rely on your memory. Which is difficult if you have 100+ files downloading and two or three go missing. So my tip, (and you can include this in the guide if you wish ) is to use the 'print screen' key on your keyboard and make a screenshot of your download screen in eMule, then paste the image in paint, save as.png.

Scroll down the page if you have a lot of downloads and take another screenshot. If you start a new download then make a new image ect. (Another tip, have the downloads list in order of size before you take the screenshot, that way it's easier to recognise the corrupt file by size). Now you have a complete record of what downloads you have before any corruption occurs. Something the download.txt SHOULD do. Then use SF-IOM mod to recover the corrupted files.

Maybe the dev team could add a button to the tool bar in eMule for taking a screenshot or two (or three!) and save them in the eMule folder. This post has been edited by Induna: 22 April 2006 - 12:55 PM. Hello, I have a similar problem.

Esn Has Invalid Part Status

My met files are ok, they run in AVIPreview no problem. I have tried running slug but dont understand what it supposed to do, I have pointed the directories where they need to be but it has not picked up the extra mets. I have about 10 files missing in the dl screen, the hash files are not in the txt file or backup.

So, simply put how does one re associate the met files in temp with the file name in the dl screen? I have dl'ed metmedic and that crashes when I tell it where the server files are. As a non computer person I find many of the descriptions difficult to follow as they are written by people who understand the principles and jargon associated with this process.

I would appreciate any assistance you could give me. Regards Martyn. Use the avi/vlc player to play the corrupted part file. Once you've established what the file was start sf-mod and download the file again to a SEPERATE temp folder. Next, turn off sf-mod and replace the part file and the part met file with the corrupt one from the usual temp folder.

Make sure it has the same number eg: 001.part.met. Now start up sf-mod again and it will ask to recover the file. When the file has rehashed you can turn off sf-mod and copy the part, part.met and part.met.bak file back into the temp folder you use for emule. This post has been edited by Induna: 18 May 2006 - 12:09 PM.