Drug Inspector Question Papers Pdf

You are looking for the Drug Inspector Exam Question Paper, i am giving here: Of the following, who is elected 5. Unopposed in the recent election to Rajya Sabha (1) Mayawati (2) Vilasa Rao Deshmukh - (3) Rajiv Shukla ( 4) All the above Who is the winner of the prestigious ABEL PRIZE of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters for 2012?

DRUG INSPECTOR COMPUTER BASED RECRUITMENT TEST HELD IN THE YEAR 2015 1. Zero order kinetics is seen in all except: (a). Drug Inspector Question Paper. Drug Inspector Question Paper Drug inspector question paper 2015 pharmatutor, drug inspector computer based recruitment test held in the year 2015 1 zero order. Drug Inspector Previous Papers: Good news!!UPPSC Drug Inspector Previous Papers PDF, Solved Papers for. Solved Papers and various Model Question Papers with.

(1) Endre Szemeredi (2) Paul Erdos (3) M. Gelfand ( 4) Niel Henrik 3 percent of votes polled?

(1) RLD (2) BSP (3) Congress (4) BJP GS/500 20th New Delhi World Book Fair was in augurated by (1) Kapil Sibal (2) Manmohan Singh (3) Karan Singh (4) Pratibha Patil For detailed paper here is attachment. Here I am giving you question paper for the APPSC drug inspector examination in PDF file attached with it so you can get it easily. Some questions are given below: 1. All of the following ate psychotropic substances, except: 1. Amobarbital 2. Meprobamate 3.

All of the above 2. As per schedule P of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, the Diphtheria toxoid has expiry period of: 1. Chloramphenicol comes under schedule: 1. Example of Narcotic drug is: 1. Ergot and its preparation belongs to schedule: 1. Schedule X drug is: 1.

Amphetamine 2. Cyclobarbital 3.

Glutethimide 4. All of the above 7. Drug Inspector is appointed under section: 1.

Schedule M and Y were introduced in Drugs and Cosmetics Act in: 1. Example of Schedule G drug is: 1. Tetracycline 2. Ampicillin 3. Tolbutamide 10.

Example of Schedule X drug is: 1. Ciprofloxacin 11. Opium has been under legislative control since: 1. Standards for mechanical contraceptives are given in schedule: 1. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act has been divided into.

The Central Drugs Laboratory is established in: 1. The members of the D.T.A.B. Hold the office for: 1. List of few questions of Drug Inspector Exam General Studies Question Paper are given below: Fill the gap in the following with proper 46. Fill the gap in the following with proper number 182: -:: 210: 380 (1). 342 (2) 272 (3) 240 (4) 156 In a particular code FACE is written as GBDF. In the same code BADE is to be written as (1) CBEF (2) CEBF (3) CFBE (4) CBFE In a patricular code TAP is written as SZO.

In the same code FREEZE is to be written as.f!O'Y!' (1) EQDFYG (2).ESDFYF (3) GQFDYF (4) EQDDYD In a code MHUSMD is written as LI'ITLE. In the same code NTUD is to be written as (1) MOVE (2) MUTE (3) MITE (4) MATE In a particular code AUTHOR is written as AUOTHR.

In the same code PUBLIC is to be written as (1) UBIPLC (2), UIPBLC (3) PCUBIL (4) PBILCU 86, 48, 38, 14, 96, 54, 78, - (1) 56 (2) 62 (3) 81 (4) 76 Fill the gap in the following with proper number 5,8, 13,21,34,55, 1) 85 (2) 92 (3) 89 (4) 58 A person saves Rs. 100/- after spending'from his income 1/5 on food and 3/5 on clothes. What is total income?

500 Person ate 7 apples in 7 minutes. One person could eat one Apple in how many minutes (1) 7 (2) 2 (3) 49 (4) 117 Fill the gaps m the following with pro er numbers 5;6, 12, 10,28,26,62,62,-,- (1) I 132, 126 (2) 132, 185 (3) 123, 126 ( 4) 126, 132- Fill the gap in the following with proper numbers 2, 12,36,80, 150, 1) 252 (2) 264. (3) 384 (4) 272 For more questions, here I am giving attachment. Here I am giving you question paper for the Drug Inspector Examination in PDF files attached with it so you can get it easily. Some questions are given below: 1. Irritant laxative 2.

Osmotic laxative 3. Bulk laxative 4. Emollient laxative 2. Long term use of cemetidine may cause 1. Sexual disfunction 2. Renal failure 3. Rebound acidity 4.

Parietal cell blockade 3. Piperazine is used in the treatment of 1.

Amoebiasis 2. Helminthiasis 3. Giardiasis 4. The drug of choice for the treatment of filariasis is 1. CocaDiethyl carbamazine 2. Niclosamide 3.

Biloscanate 4. None of the above 5. The prescription starts with the symbol Rx, means 1. Which type of prescription should contain the age of the patient?

Prescription for a child 2. Prescription containing special formula 3. Prescription containing patient medicament 4. Prescription for elderly patient 7. The plasma substitute, dextran is a homo polymer of glucose, which is produced by 1. Polymerization of glucose 2. Chemical modification of starch 3.

Chemical modification of cellulose 4. By growing the organism leuconostoc mesenteroides in sucrose containing medium 8. Mot acceptable absorbable hemostat is 1. Human fibrin foam 2.

Gelatin sponge 3. Oxidized cellulose 4. Calcium alginate 9.

Bacteria which can derive their nutritional requirements and energy from simple inorganic source are called 1. Autotrophic 2. Heterotrophic 3. Saprophyte 10.

Ziehl Neelsen’s method is used to identify 1. Acid fast bacteria 2.

Gram positive bacteria 3. P wave of ECG is the result of 1. Atrial depolarization 2. Atrial repolarization 3. Ventricular depolarization 4. Ventricular repolarization 12.

Incompatible blood transfusion can result in 1. Hypovolemic shock 2 Anaphylactic shock 3. Cardiogenic shock 4. Obstructive shock 13.

Sucralftate is used in the treatment of 1. Constipation 3. Duodenal ulcer 4. Diarrhoea 14. Which property of chlorpromazine is responsible for its antipsychotic effect?

Antidopaminergic 2. Antimuscarinic 3. A adrenoreceptor blocking 4. Anti 5-HT property 15. Which of the following is broad spectrum anthelmintic?

Mebendazole 2. Piperazine 3. Diethylcarbamazine 4. Chloroquine 16. Cancer of epithelial tissue is called 1. Hodgkin’s disease 17.

The Latin term for ointment is 1. Linimentem 18. The Latin term for “When required” is 1. Si opus sit 2. Dolor urgente 3. Tussi urgente 4.

Material used to assist adhesion of skin graft is 1. Human thrombin 2. Human immunoglobulin 3. Plasma protein fraction 4. Gum saline 20. The incompatibility encountered when aspirin is powdered together with phenazone is 1.

Insolubility 2. Liquefaction 3. Immiscibility 4. Precipitation 21. Existence of antibiotic was first proposed by 1. Paul Ehrlich 3. The Antibiotics are manufactured in large scale by 1.

Surface culture in liquid medium 2. Surface culture in solid medium 3. Submerged culture in liquid medium 4. Submerged culture in solid medium 23.

Increased hepatic angiotensinogen production is responsible for following 1. Renal hypertension 2. Pills hypertension 3. Vascular hypertension 4.

Endocrine hypertension 24. The following type of pulse is seen in myocardial infraction 1. Pulsus deficit 2. Pulsus alternens 3. Anacrotic pulse 4.

Fire Inspector Questions

Water hammer pulse 25. Drugs of choice for grandmal epilepsy are 1.

Phenytoin and sodium valproate 2. Sodium valproate and carbamazepin 3. Carbamazepin and phenobarbital 4. Phenobarbital and phenytoin 26. Morphine is contraindicated for patients with head injury because it produces 1. Hyperactive spinal refluxes 3.

Respiratory depression 4. Analgesia 27.

Which of the following is anti metabolite? Cyclophosphamide 2. Methotrexate 4. Chlorambucil 28. Which of the following anticancer drug is obtained from plant? Vincristine 4. Tamoxifen 29.

In prescription the Latin term “fiat” means 1. Let it be mixed 2.

Let it be made 3. Let it be warmed 4. Let it be sent 30. Most dangerous organism infecting the eye is 1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2.

Staphylococcus aureus 3. Proteus vulgaris 4. Bacillus subtilis 31. In the extemporaneous preparation of eye drops the final clarification done by passing through 1. Sintered glass filters 2. Gooch crucible 3. Whatman filter paper 4.

Micro-porous plastic membrane 32. One of the advantages of IR heat sterilization of syringes is 1. Determination of internal temperature to assess the efficiency of sterilization is simple 2. More efficient than autoclaving 3. Unaffected by thermal resistance by static surface air films 4.

Fast sterilization 33. International Pharmacopoeia is published by 1.


International Pharmaceutical Federation 3. United Nations 4. US food and drug administration 34. In the case of sterilization by dry heat the microbes are killed by 1. Dehydration 3.

Decomposition 4. Precipitation 35. Communicable disease caused by Rickettsiae is 1.

Scrub typhus 2. Influenza 36. One of the first aid in poisoning is by administering 1. Universal antidote 2. Table spoonful of mustered 3. All the above 37.

Home Inspector Questions

In hemolytic jaundice the following are true EXCEPT 1. Unconjugated bilirubin level increases 2. Anemia is common 3. Serum alkaline phosphatase level increases 4. Liver function test normal 38. The mechanism of action of penicillin is 1.

By inhibition of protein synthesis 2. By interference with ribosome function 3.

By antimetabolite action 4. By interference with cell wall synthesis 39. Cotrimoxazole is more effective than individual administration of sulphame-thoxazole or trimethoprim since 1. Both set sequentially in nucleotide synthesis 2. Sulphamethoxazole is antimetabolite and trimethoprin interfere with cell wall synthesis 3.

Both binds to enzyme required for DNA replication 4. Sulphamethoxazole interfere with folic acid synthesis and trimethoprin interfere with cell wall synthesis 40. Which of the following is fluoroquinolone derivative? Nitrofurantoin 2. Lomifloxacin 3. Penicillin G 41. Number of mole of ATPs produced when on mole of glucose is completely oxidized is 1.

The word posology is derived from Greek word “posos” which means 1. “How much” 2. How long Remening Question are in the attachment Given below.