Rome Total War Patch 1.5 Sega

We are happy to report that a patch update has been produced which should resolve the issues with crashing in the grand campaign as well as other issues you may have encountered with clicking units and the like. This update is scheduled to release today and will do so automatically through Steam once you are connected. It is advised that you have updated your video drivers and other system drivers as necessary. Patch details for this will be available for review in Steam by clicking on the “My Games” tab and then right-clicking on your Empire: Total War game and selecting “View update news”. Here is the complete list of fixes and corrections which will be included in the patch: CRASH FIXES – Fixed crash when disbanding generals unit. – Fix for crash on trying to merge ships from port into ships next to port. – Fixed rare crash relating to boarding.

  1. Rome Total War Patch Sega
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Playing vanilla RTW online requires version 1.5 of Rome Total War. Rome-Total-War-13-English-Patch.shtml Patch 1.5. SEGA support for patch 1.3 seems. Total War Rome 1 / Medieval 1 & 2 GameSpy edtion. Welcome to SEGA Customer Service! Total War Support.

– Fixed crash to do with reinforcing armies. – Fixed crash on revolution video attempting to play. – Fixed crash for double clicking on sinking ship on campaign map. – Fix for crash on merging units but moving into fort before army arrives.

– Fixed several crashes related to rakes. – Fixed crashes relating to battles when running Czech or German versions of the game. – Fixed crash on moving army into region of faction player has military access and then cancelling military access.

– Fixed crash on trying to exchange ships between 2 fleets. – Fixed crash on spamming move orders to puckle guns locked in melee combat. – Fixed hard lock on inviting host to their own MP game. – Fix to prevent loading of mod causing crash post patch. – Various end turn crash bugs fixed.

– Fixes to crash bugs relating to completion of revolutions. – Some fixes relating to merging and disbanding. – Fix for several crashes in land battles. – Several crashes relating to attacking cities fixed.

– Several load save game crashes fixed. CAMPAIGN – Armies now placed correctly on battlefields in relation to campaign. – Fix for nearby ships sometimes not being included as reinforcements for battles. – Fix for incorrect numbers sometimes showing on trade routes. – Units with limits on how many can be recruited now show how many are available. – Various fixes relating to rakes and infiltrating. – Fixes relating to problems moving armies/merging into army’s right next to settlements.

– Various trade bug fixes. – Fix for moving agent from settlement moving army instead of agent.

– Fix for several bugs relating to military access and armies being in regions. – Fix for tattered flags appearing on fleet/armies even when at full strength/fully repaired. – Fix for sallying out armies breaking siege at times even when losing the battle. – Fix for bugs relating to capturing ships on returning to campaign map from naval battle.

LAND BATTLE – Improvements to path finding have been made. – Some fixes to units not garrisoning buildings.

– Fort gate ownership made clearer with faction flags appearing at the gatehouse. – Fix for problem relating to artillery unlimbering after being ordered to limber. – Fix for puckle guns moving on their own in some circumstances. – Fix for big slowdown in unit movement on some battle maps in the Road to Independence episodes. – Fix for missile cavalry not reloading when out of combat. – Jaegers now have muskets instead of incorrect rifles, Prussian Jaegers keep rifles.

Rome Total War Patch 1.5 Sega

– Quebec episodic land battle fixed ground type in deployment area – Fix for unrealistic numbers when ending a land battle by quitting on the battle results screen. NAVAL BATTLE – Several fixes for ships clipping into each other. – Improvements to boarding have been made.

Crew is more fluid in attack and more resolute in defence. Men survive long fall and officers join in the boarding attack. – Crew uniforms improved to make identification of the crew type and faction easier. – Defending ship is not allowed to fire cannons anymore during boarding procedure. – Improved naval grouping UI and group movement made. – Improvements made to ship collisions to reduce chance of ships getting stuck. – Fix for sail damage not being shown when volumetric effects turned on.

MULTIPLAYER – Various fixes for joining games/game lobby issues. – Fixes for problems relating to spectators being kicked/locking up on other players joining games in certain instances. – Long riflemen and winged hussars removed from early era battles. – Fix for insufficient funds always showing on unit cards even when enough money is available. – Player name is now displayed on unit tooltips.


– Team chat is now displayed in a different colour. AI – Basic fix for AI being unable to move army by fleet. – Aggression of factions in campaign improved, as well as tweaks to diplomacy. – Improvements to campaign AI relating to its waging of wars, recruitment and movement of armies. – Improvements made to battle AI to make it more reactive, use buildings better as well as squares and rakes. – Siege battle AI improvements made. – Improvements to naval AI to make it bunch up less, its use of galleys and long range units such as bomb ketches.

MISCELLANEOUS – Delete save game button added to save game list. – View replays button added to single player Play Battle menu. – Various sound fixes and improvements. – Various incorrect text messages fixed.

Rome Total War Patch Sega

– Fixes to various graphical glitches with display of walls. – Fixes made for stuttering videos. – Fix for several game option settings not being saved correctly, including settings such as floating flags. – Fix for unit voices/attack confirmation being heard for all units in an alliance instead of just for the player’s army.

– Armor and shield values are now added into melee defense value shown on unit cards. – Lots of other small and minor bug fixes. BALANCING – Land unit recruitment cost in campaign has been increased, with higher cost on higher difficulty level.

– Ship recruitment and upkeep costs have been increased in campaign. – Various balancing and cost adjustments to improve multiplayer land battle balance. – Ship costing improvements made for both campaign and multiplayer. – Economic tweaks have been made to campaign to reduce amount of money made in later part of campaign. ADDITIONAL NOTES: – We are aware of an issue with community created maps that results in a crash when someone without the map tries to join the game.

This crash will be fixed in the next patch. – Further work is being done on improving AI Naval invasion behavior and this will be included in the next upgrade patch. – Some users may have difficulty accessing some of the older game save files.

Should an older save not load after the patch it is advised by the development team that the campaign should be restarted. Once your game has updated, you will want to make sure that your system drivers (video and sound cards) are updated to their latest versions. If you encounter any issues with the game after the update, you will want to contact Sega Customer Support by going to, logging in using your Sega Pass account and then sending an inquiry using the following format as an example: Subject: Empire: Total War – Specific Issue or Error Description (i.e. Crashing in RTI, cannot load saved game, graphical corruption in map, etc) In the body of the e-mail, please provide a quick synopsis regarding the error you are having as well as the steps you take prior to getting that result. You will also want to include your latest system information using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool (start run type ‘dxdiag’ ENTER) so that the support team then knows what your current system configuration looks like.

Comment this is unbelieveable the game constantly crashes and finding out any info is impossable.How do i know if steam has updated my game,why cant i just get the download patch,it is no where to be found.Love the game but havent seen this many bugs in any game ive ever purchased or the lack of customer service and i buy a ton of games.I also have a brand new comp a dual core with state of the atr graphics card and 750 gigs mem and this is only the second game ive put on it,so the out of memory is a little mystifying Posted by krugerscotton April 29th, 2009 at 10:25 pm. Comment Since this patch 1.2.0 build 1060.42666 no main menu selections are possible apart from continue campaign. Other buttons result in Windows Stop error and BSOD.

Selecting trade theatres within existing saves also result in same stop error and BSOD. With the wonderful world of Steam I also have no way of backing out to the previous level which, whilst buggy, did not cause my computer to instantly hang. Please test these patches before releasing them, this is unacceptable as a customer deliverable. Thanks, Si Posted by Simonon May 1st, 2009 at 2:45 pm.

Comment With this latest patch I don’t get as many crashes which is great, still do get them though, I still have to have my video turned right down, which sucks as I had only just brought a new gaming laptop but it still struggles to run, so you must have to have the ultimate system to run this. What has annoyed me the most with this latest patch, is the balancing, units cost way more and their upkeep costs are just stupid. It is just impossible to hold land and fight without armies. Since this patch has come out I have had to ditch old games (so just wasted all that time), which I was dominating, as the combination of unit costs and not being allowed to make to much money in later stages has meant I had to destroy whole armies and then get pawned by other world powers. I am sorry but SEGA has over shot the mark with “balancing out” the game. I have played every total war series since shogun, but this latest patch has almost made this game unplayable, its all about budgets now and not total war, boring, maybe SEGA should call this “economies war” instead. I’m going back to Medieval 2, wish I could get my £40 back.

Posted by Daveon May 7th, 2009 at 2:01 am. Comment Even with new patch this game is still boring and still has that same “DUMB AI”.

I already try to play this game with most of the faction available except Ottoman and Russia but I see enough already it’s all the same after 1750 or 1760 there is nothing to be done all other faction just waiting to be invaded there is no initiative from them to get better and the only one that invaded India is always me. I try one time to not invaded India so Britain can invaded them first but nothing happened.

Total War

Out of curiosity I gave half my colonies in America and ex-Mughal region to Britain so I can have some war but still nothing except minor raid on farm or town. Technology tree is always finish way before 1799 and this game doesn’t give us more region like East Indies or Australia or Africa and South America to explore so in the end after 1750 you just clicking the next button waiting for the game to be finish. Guys please save your money this game is not worth the money btw I just played this game gor 1 month, so you figure it yourself Posted by Chang Feion May 14th, 2009 at 6:58 am. Comment Just think they get paid to make the game more unplayable.What worse is they thrash you online when you complain. What used to be a hundred years, now is fifty years to complete your goals.If they weren’t so full of themselves,bragging on what a great game,but then I guess they certainly don’t know how to fix it or simply don’t care as they already screw anyone whom paid money for the piece of.

game.What more laughabled these new group of beta testers,whom according to the testers own words that they think the game already awesome. Then they wonder why people like me don’t sign up to be in the beta group to help fix the game.Those must be the ones whom used cheats codes to win as otherwise they were realized the game more unplyable than before, as then it only crashed instead of suck.


Just goes to show you stupidity alive and well with the makers of empire. Posted by Will Con May 17th, 2009 at 2:18 pm. Comment I’ve purchased Empire Total War as i’m a fan and have played all the previous TW games.

I must admit it gives me a bad feeling that you can buy a game off the shelf, without Steam, but you can only patch it WITH Steam. Just make the patch available to download without any fancy anti-piracy measures. Require registering if you want, but it should stop there.

A patch is required when a game is NOT FINISHED, another piece of software on top is only going to confuse matters and increase frustration. Just make the honest to god patch available for straightforward download without all the extra bells and whistles. Posted by Nikoson May 21st, 2009 at 2:33 pm. Comment I have also been a TW fan for years, this game has really dissapointed me, it is impossible to play, way too many bugs and crashes and now I cant even load my saved games. The new patch screwed up my old games too, making it impossible to pay the upkeep, steam is blooady annoying as hell.

All i want to do is put in my game and play it. I dont think i will by a TW series game unless it looks amazing and only then after several patches have been released for it. This game isnt worth it, DO NOT BUY Posted by Danielon May 23rd, 2009 at 9:04 am. Comment I bought this game secondhand (non-US version) and with no “cd code” or whatever it is supposed to have, I cannot register it on Steam and therefore cannot patch. What a crock. This will be the LAST time I buy anything that uses Steam. Probably the most successful game series in existance, the Sims, only requires a cd key to play.easyno headaches, no cd required to playI understand your fear of piracy but don’t take it out on your customers anymore.

Rome total war cheats

If you make good games, people will buy them and not steal them. Posted by Stephenon May 26th, 2009 at 3:48 pm. Comment kellie/clumsyorchid, The reason everyone is posting here is because you get no change from the other avenues offered. Its disgraceful that any company would release such a half finished product or indeed pay a salary to anyone willing to state that it was!

Its not realistic to say to those still suffering CTD’s that it is down to system spec. If its a big gaming pc and its still suffering crashes then the game is simply too system sensitive. Patches later and the forums are still filled with unhappy gamers. What’s going on at HQ?

Head in the sand box time? Not got the money to fix it? I find the latter hard to accept as everyone has already paid you for it.

So Kelli/clumsyorchid pass this post to whoever YOU think it concerns. Because the feeling I and many others get is that it just doesn’t really concern any of you enough! Posted by Ryanon June 11th, 2009 at 10:00 am. Comment I am an avid follower of SEGA – TW games but must say that I am greatly dissapointed with Total War – Empire. I was so confident about the game that i dinot even bothered to check reviews, simply went this month and brought the game, installation took me 2hours and then the patch upload took another hour. Finally when i started the game it crashed, repeatedly over 7days and at the end of the week i walked on to the store from where i bought the game and handed them over the game with my token of gratitude and thanks for selling me this game and told him that i dont want my money back but atleast dont fool other customers.

Although sega claims to have good customer care but sadly back in India when i contacted the customer care they had no clue of the game problems and just kept me on hold. I was desperate to play the game and had the best hardware but still couldnot, I am so pissed off by the experience that I may not even look into any sega products in future and to add to all the woes, STEAM is steaming me up.

Posted by Tapan Kumaron January 20th, 2010 at 11:04 pm. Comment great, and before i even see it ill give kudos to, but if you had of provided a link to said patch would be great too. It is such a stupid mess: 1: it requires the cd to play, my comp = mobile, my usb cdrom blows. 2: when in a campain there is no button showing to exit back to the main menu!! That is patheticly lol. I mean what the f.k am i supposed to taskmanage my way out of a game. Stupid, is the first thing you learn about programming, cocme on sega, your not noobs at this by any means.

Anyways great there is a fabled patch, thanks for this thread taunting us with it. Posted by grummon June 11th, 2010 at 11:08 am.