Delete Sql Dump Files
This identified that 29% of my hard drive was occupied by Crash Dump Files. How to remove Crash Dump Files under. Protecting encrypted data in case of SQL.
Ok To Delete Sql Dump Files
Large number of log files,text files and crash dump files are generated at: 'C: Program Files Microsoft Office Servers 12.0 Data MSSQL.1 MSSQL LOG' location. The 1st file is ERRORLOG,its size gets increasing and it can't be deleted.Other files are in sequence:SQLDump001.mdmp,SQLDump001.txt,SQLDump001.log,SQLDump002.mdmp,SQLDump002.txt,SQLDump002.log,etc. There are also files such as:SQLDUMPERERRORLOG.log These files keep consuming the disk space and the hard disk becomes full. Can anyone suggest a solution to stop generation of these files. Any help is appreciated. You'll only get these.dmp files when you have unhandled exceptions in SQL Server.
Basically, SQL is crashing which is obviously not good. You should be able to delete or move these into a more suitable directory, and they are better described in this file,. As far as the ERRORLOG file, this is your active SQL Server log, and cannot (and wouldn't want) to delete it. What I would recommend is take a look inside your error log file (you can use Enterprise Manager) and try to see what's going on.
What Are Mdmp Files
My guess is you have a serious problem which is causing it to log excessively and occasionally crash. You might also want to submit your question in a SQL forum which will reach a wider number of SQL Server-skilled people. Good luck tracking down and resolving the problem.