Vb.net Open Pdf File

  1. Where Is The File Button
OpenVb.net Open Pdf File

I have created and saved a pdf file using vb.net/asp.net. What if I want to open it? I tried to set the path to a folder within my project, but now, it does not save.

Where Is The File Button

How to create PDF files in vb.net Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format that represents all the characteristics of a printed document that you can read, write and print or forward to someone else. Each PDF file included a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to view it. You can create PDF file programmatically from your VB.Net applications very easily. PDFsharp is the Open Source library that easily creates PDF documents from your VB.Net applications. PDFSharp libraryallows you to create PDF files directly from your VB.Net application. You can freely download the Assemblies version from the following link: The following steps will guide you how to create a pdf file programmatically 1.Download the Assemblies from the above mentioned url. Extract the.zip file to your desired location (filename:PDFsharp-MigraDocFoundation-Assemblies-131.zip) 3.

Create a New VB.Net Project 4.Add pdfsharp Assemblies in VB.Net Project 5.In Solution Explorer, right-click the project node and click Add Reference. In this project we are using GDI+ libraries. 6.In the Add Reference dialog box, select the BROWSE tab and select the Assebly file location (step 2) 7.Select all files and click OK After you add the reference files to your VB.Net project, solution explorer look like the following picture. Now the project is ready to start coding First step you should Imports the necessary namespaces.