Wow Level Guide 1 60

This guide covers how to level from 1-60 on the same continent-maybe you want to level an alt to 60 to get the Veteran bonus for, or just want something new! Find out where to go and what zones you shouldn't pass up in our guide! We've even included some fun items to hunt for to give you reasons to check out certain zones over others. Each section breaks down the questing experience by continent and faction, along with maps and descriptions of interesting things in each zone.

Level 1-60 Powerleveling Guide (4-7 Hrs, No Exp potion) Patch 6.1. Leveling from 1-60 in 3 minutes using World of Warcraft. Power Level WoW 1-60 in 2 weeks. He also sells a leveling guide and a complete 1-60 video showing his exact run of 4 days 20 hours /played time on his.

We've also included a section for dungeons at the end in case you prefer to get some experience that way. General Tips. This guide focuses on zones in the 1-60 range, but if you have general leveling questions, check out our. You'll find information on all the ways to gain experience, reputation and experience buffs, combat basics, and a list of all heirlooms there.

Not sure how to reach a zone? Our covers all major forms of transportation including flight paths, boats, zeppelins, and portals. We also have maps showing every possible location you can travel to with an item or NPC!. While this guide provides leveling suggestions, if you're stuck and just don't like a zone, check out our. We've broken down zones by level so if you don't like anything in the 41-60 range, you can browse. Just don't stray too far from your recommended level range, or else mobs might become deadly. On a zone's page, you can see the recommended level range in Quick Facts and more details at the breadcrumb menu at the top left of the page.

If you click 'Show on Map' you can see a number of cool things like flightmasters, mineral nodes, rare spawns, and and rez points!. If you are running through this content in full heirlooms, it's still worth holding onto some rewards if you like transmog. A number of unique looks are only available from a few quests-check out the in our. If you're new to WoW or haven't had that much experience with databases, check out our new tool.

This helps you find gear and consumables for your level, as well as profession-related items and mounts. With a simple interface, all you have to do is click on a few buttons and you'll get results!.

Want to join a guild? Check out all the rewards you can get for guild reputation in our. Finally, we have a guide section, featuring many great guides from users including by czeano, by Aldari, and by worthit.

Eastern Kingdoms: Alliance (Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Worgen) This section groups together zones on the same continent that Alliance characters can level in-it's recommended for Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, and Worgen because their starting zones are on this continent. Eastern Kingdoms: Part One (1-12). : Worgen (1-12). : Human (1-12). : Dwarf (1-12). : Gnome (1-12) Each starting zone has a unique experience limited only to players of that race. These zones will teach you more about the culture of each race and long-standing political conflicts and struggles they face.

While not the most efficient leveling zone, the Worgen starting zone is one of the best zones in the game to this date from a lore perspective; it offers a substantial look at the history of an entire race. It's a treat for any player, new and old. (Take note: the Worgen starting zone ends with your player getting on a boat to Kalimdor, so you'll probably continue questing in Night Elf zones after this initial part, or take the boat back to Stormwind from Rut'theran Village.) Eastern Kingdoms: Part Two (10-35) After the starting zone, you have the choice of taking two paths from level 10 through 35-just remember, when you hit level 20, don't forget to head back to a city trainer to learn. This lets you learn ground mounts and travel at 60% increased speed. If you already have a high-level character, you can now use their account-wide ground mounts.

If you want to switch questing paths, the easiest way to travel is to take the Deeprun Tram, a train system, between Stormwind and Ironforge. Southern Eastern Kingdoms. (10-15). (15-20).

(20-25). (25-30).

(30-35) After Cataclysm zone changes, this route is now jam-packed with action. In, you learn about the fate of the Defias and unpleasant politics of Stormwind-with a shocking ending. Has an action-packed questline influenced by Rambo with as a vanity reward, and has a sufficiently spooky air. In Stranglethorn Vale, you get to infiltrate Zul'Gurub, rescue a raptor and get a new friendly pet , and protect Booty Bay against everyone's favorite pirates, the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Booty Bay is a useful place for characters to visit in general-it's a neutral city meaning you can trade items on the AH between factions, plus it has a port so you can take a boat to Ratchet in Kalimdor. It also hosts a and is home to who redeems codes for.

Alternate Route: Northern Eastern Kingdoms. (10-20). (20-25). (25-30). (30-35) This route received less revamps after Cataclysm. It is best suited to Dwarves and Gnomes due to its proximity to the starting zone Dun Morogh. While was relatively untouched, the other zones have touching questlines.

And were hit hard by the Shattering-the dwarves are struggling with the destruction of the Stonewrought Dam and resulting environmental changes, while Menethil Harbor is flooded. Players can learn more about the Wildhammer Dwarves in the, including their deep bond with gryphons.

A touching pre-Cataclysm quest involved saving baby from trolls, who is now all grown up and can fly you up to the top of Jintha'Alor. On a lighter note, there is also the interesting invisible chest from questing, as well as. Menethil Harbor is a useful place for characters to visit because it is a port city with boats to Dustwallow Marsh in Kalimdor and in Northrend. Eastern Kingdoms: Part Three (35-60) At this point, both quest paths merge and send you to.

If you've been questing in, don't worry about the long distance, will open a portal from to. (35-40). (40-45). (44-48). (47-51). (49-52).

(51-55). (55-60) is a surprisingly vibrant area now, transformed as it heals from the Scourge invasion. However, there are still problems to face; the zone is embroiled in a conflict of factions due to its close proximity to the Forsaken outposts.

Teaching Zen'Kiki how to play his druid correctly in should make you smile as well. When starting out in, players will also be able to do a series of introductory quests with. Make sure these initial quests for the caravan are done right away to unlock the quest which grants players a buff called. This will cause a to drop occasionally from EPL mobs; each one has a chance to contain the elusive, a larva battle pet. Higher level players often end up having to farm him, so getting this blessing now is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

You will be able to farm for the pet while you level and complete other quests in the zone. You can also nab the achievement. In, players encounter the dragon Rhea and assist her in saving a purified egg from Deathwing-one that will turn up again in the new legendary for rogues. It's a heartbreaking questline and the final reward, is one many players won't sell. Quest reward you with and has the pacifist ogre who hates killing things.

Eastern Kingdoms: Horde (Blood Elves, Undead) This section groups together zones on the same continent that Horde characters can level in-it's recommended for Blood Elves and Undead because their starting zones are on this continent. Eastern Kingdoms: Part One (1-12). : Blood Elf (1-12). : Undead (1-12) Eastern Kingdoms: Part Two (10-35) After the starting zone, you have the choice of taking two paths from level 10 through 35-just remember, when you hit level 20, don't forget to head back to a city trainer to learn. This lets you learn ground mounts and travel at 60% increased speed. If you already have a high-level character, you can now use their account-wide ground mounts.

Parallels rapidshare. or (10-20). (20-25) Southern Eastern Kingdoms. (25-30). (30-35) Northern Eastern Kingdoms. (25-30). (30-35) At level 10, you have two options-Ghostlands or Silverpine Forest.

However, any path missing out on Silverpine Forest isn't worth taking. In our opinion, it's the coolest Horde zone in all of this expansion!

It fleshes out the character of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner significantly and paints the Forsaken in a terrifying light. So ditch Ghostlands, you'll be happy you did; nothing will beat the innovative use of phasing and dynamic questlines that Silverpine has to offer. Hillsbrad is also an incredibly well-done zone.

It's also highly changed from its original roots. Intelligently, Hillsbrad counters the darkness revealed in Silverpine Forest's storylines with humor. The NPCs you'll meet will be memorable and hilarious; they serve as a tongue-in-cheek and loving message from Blizzard to fans. The introduction quest to the zone sets the entire tone. In, you'll find the tables have turned as you take on the role of the quest giving NPC that doles out quests to adventurers.

It just gets better from there, cumulating with an in-game version of PopCap's hit, Plants vs. Defend your brains, err grains, long enough and leave the zone with your very own Sunflower vanity pet. At this point, you have the choice to continue questing in nearby Arathi, or head down to Stranglethorn Vale for a more interesting questing experience. In Stranglethorn Vale, you get to infiltrate Zul'Gurub, rescue a raptor and get a new friendly pet , and protect Booty Bay against everyone's favorite pirates, the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Booty Bay is a useful place for characters to visit in general-it's a neutral city meaning you can trade items on the AH between factions, plus it has a port so you can take a boat to Ratchet in Kalimdor.

It also hosts a and is home to who redeems codes for. The other path you can take involves Arathi and The Hinterlands. Players can learn more about the Raventusk Troll tribe, and pick up the interesting invisible chest from questing, as well as. Eastern Kingdoms: Part Three (35-60) At this point, both quest paths merge and send you to.

If you've been questing in, don't worry about the long distance, will open a portal from to. (35-40).

(40-45). (44-48). (47-51). (49-52). (51-55). (55-60) You'll get to see a new, greener side of for the first time since the Lich King's fall. Make sure to head to the Bulwark on the border of Tirisfal Glades and to pick up the introduction quests to WPL from and his camp.

They're easy to miss, but these quests involve some of the best use of phasing yet in World of Warcraft. Be prepared to be asked to destroy farmsteads and help spread the blight. This zone is a wonderfully dark continuation of the Forsaken storyline that really took hold in Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad.

When starting out in, players will also be able to do a series of introductory quests with. Make sure these initial quests for the caravan are done right away to unlock the quest which grants players a buff called.

This will cause a to drop occasionally from EPL mobs; each one has a chance to contain the elusive, a larva battle pet. Higher level players often end up having to farm him, so getting this blessing now is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Wow Level Guide

You will be able to farm for the pet while you level and complete other quests in the zone. You can also nab the achievement. In, players encounter the dragon Rhea and assist her in saving a purified egg from Deathwing-one that will turn up again in the new legendary for rogues. It's a heartbreaking questline and the final reward, is one many players won't sell.

Quest reward you with and has the pacifist ogre who hates killing things. Kalimdor: Alliance (Night Elves, Draenei, Worgen) This section groups together zones on the same continent that Alliance characters can level in-it's recommended for Night Elves and Draenei because their starting zones are on this continent. Worgen could work too as they are sent to Kalimdor after their starting zone. Kalimdor: Part One (1-12). : Night Elf (1-12). : Azuremyst Isle (1-12) Kalimdor: Part Two (10-30) When you hit level 20, don't forget to head back to a city trainer to learn.

This lets you learn ground mounts and travel at 60% increased speed. If you already have a high-level character, you can now use their account-wide ground mounts. or (10-20).

(20-25). (25-30) After completing either starting zone, you have the option to continue to the next zone. Draenei should check out Darkshore instead of their usual haunt, Bloodmyst Isle, if they can stand hoofing it.

Darkshore has earned its name after the expansion as it is much darker and dreadful of a place after having received a tragic makeover. It starts out by searching for the survivors from Auberdine to set a somber mood with the quest. It only gets sadder from that point onward. And pit the Night Elves against the Horde-they are being attacked in, and is a race against time to disarm a lethal bomb. There's also a neat alcove in southern filled with Highborne ghosts and dialogue if you can't get enough of Night Elf culture!

Kalimdor: Part Three (30-60) At 30, there are two paths you can take. The first path is more interesting from a lore perspective, as it covers more zones that received revamps in Cataclysm. Both paths will take you to. If you've grouped in dungeons, used recruit-a-friend, or equipped heirloom gear you probably can skip this zone. You might even be able to without since leveling has gotten much easier. If you want flavor while questing-check this zone out though.

It's been flooded over, its valleys turned into a lake, you can get a ghostly tauren companion with, and you will spend much of your time riding on your own! If you want to level quickly, swimming around may not be your cup of tea. West and North Kalimdor. (30-40). (35-40).

(40-45). (45-50). (50-55). (55-60) and have received numerous changes since Cataclysm. The center of is now a lush forest and parts of are sunk. If you're a fan of Night Elf lore, you should definitely check out to see how Feathermoon Stronghold has expanded and to learn more about the Highborne culture in Dire Maul. Is our personal favorite; as the lore goes, it was corrupted by the Skull of Gul'dan.

Building on that in Cataclysm, there's now an interesting quest arc involving Illidan to explain how everything came to be through a series of scripted events. It also has a unique, bright green cat model for Hunters to tame and a cool trinket that shoots rainbows. Alternate: East and South Kalimdor. (30-35).

(35-40). (40-45). (45-50).

(50-55). (55-60) is another war-torn zone worth doing on both sides. Split from the top half of the barrens after the Shattering, the Alliance have made military inroads. Much of the conflict revolves around the fate of Camp Taurajo, a Horde civilian town destroyed by the Alliance. Dustwallow Marsh meanwhile remains relatively unchanged.

Has also been affected by Cataclysm-it's worth visiting to see the iconic Steamwheedle Port underwater with its Goblin survivors clinging to their washed out homes. In Un'Goro, you will be able to get which comes from. Silithus isn't too exciting in Cataclysm, but you should be able to finish up remaining experience there. Kalimdor: Horde (Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins) This section groups together zones on the same continent that Horde characters can level in-it's recommended for Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins because their starting zones are on this continent. Kalimdor: Part One (1-12). : Goblin (1-12).

: Orc (1-12). : Troll (1-12). : Tauren (1-12) Kalimdor: Part Two (10-30) When you hit level 20, don't forget to head back to a city trainer to learn. This lets you learn ground mounts and travel at 60% increased speed. If you already have a high-level character, you can now use their account-wide ground mounts. or (10-20).

(20-25). (25-30) if you're the type of player who likes vanity items, consider stopping by Azshara and doing your teen levels there instead of in the Barrens. The zone's best reward is. This hat turns the wearer into various other in-game models such as a female Undead or a male Human. Azshara is also the home to Archmage Xylem's magical trials-try these out if you want to practice your movement skills!,. The conflict between the Horde and Night Elves is strong in these areas-Azshara used to be a night elf settlement, and the Warsong Gulch conflict in has escalated to the point where the Horde are attacking the Alliance in Astranaar.

Is a tense storyline for both the Horde and Alliance. It tracks the fate of a lethal Horde bomb-the Alliance are desperately trying to intercept it, while not everyone in the Horde is pleased how the bomb is being handled and its destruction. It's a rare look into the positive side of Garrosh as a leader as well. Kalimdor: Part Three (30-60) At 30, there are two paths you can take. The first path is more interesting from a lore perspective, as it covers more zones that received revamps in Cataclysm. Both paths will take you to.

If you've grouped in dungeons, used recruit-a-friend, or equipped heirloom gear you probably can skip this zone. You might even be able to without since leveling has gotten much easier. If you want flavor while questing-check this zone out though. It's been flooded over, its valleys turned into a lake, you can get a ghostly tauren companion with, and you will spend much of your time riding on your own! If you want to level quickly, swimming around may not be your cup of tea.

West and North Kalimdor. (30-40). (35-40). (40-45). (45-50). (50-55). (55-60) and have received numerous changes since Cataclysm.

The center of is now a lush forest and parts of are sunk while Feathermoon Stronghold has grown. Is our personal favorite; as the lore goes, it was corrupted by the Skull of Gul'dan. Building on that in Cataclysm, there's now an interesting quest arc involving Illidan to explain how everything came to be through a series of scripted events. It also has a unique, bright green cat model for Hunters to tame and a cool trinket that shoots rainbows.

Alternate: East and South Kalimdor. (30-35). (35-40). (40-45).

(45-50). (50-55). (55-60) is another war-torn zone worth doing on both sides.

Split from the top half of the barrens after the Shattering, the Alliance have made military inroads. Much of the conflict revolves around the fate of Camp Taurajo, a Horde civilian town destroyed by the Alliance. Dustwallow Marsh meanwhile remains relatively unchanged. Has also been affected by Cataclysm-it's worth visiting to see the iconic Steamwheedle Port underwater with its Goblin survivors clinging to their washed out homes. In Un'Goro, you will be able to get which comes from. Silithus isn't too exciting in Cataclysm, but you should be able to finish up remaining experience there. Leveling in Dungeons As you level up, new dungeons will be available in LFD.

Players are eligible to queue up for random dungeons at level 15; at this point, a Dungeon Finder option will appear on your mini-bar (hotkey letter i). Queueing for a random dungeon will reward you with better experience and a Satchel of Helpful Goods containing useful leveling gear. The following levels listed are when you can queue up for a dungeon in LFD as yellow difficulty. To learn more about dungeon difficulties and levels, check out the by worthit. Don't forget to pick up quests at the start of an instance, as they could be a nice experience boost.

Comment by Adamsm on 2014-03-08T11:58:08-06:00 I'm not sure if I'd mention the Lashtail, since you can't get the pet itself until 85 in Heroic ZG after all. Comment by perculia on 2014-03-08T12:05:03-06:00 It's a fun questline and you can interact with the pet early on, but I'll see about making the wording clearer. Comment by Adamsm on 2014-03-08T12:18:27-06:00 Oh no doubt, it is one the better quest lines up there. Comment by Zeribus on 2014-03-08T12:19:03-06:00 Excellent guide!

But I noticed Stonetalon Mountains is not labeled with levels on either Alliance or Horde maps. Also under Leveling in Dungeons, is Gnomeregan (26-39)? Or is is suppose to be Gnomeregan (26-29)? I would hate for someone to go through Gnomer that long lol Comment by flobio on 2014-03-08T14:18:10-06:00 Nice Guide! Something else to mention is that although the maps say you must be a certain level (like 10 or 20) you can normally get a quest at 1 level below.

I noticed this during 5.3 or 5.4. An advantage to questing in the dwarf zones to start (specifically Loch Modan) are the scrolls of the League of Explorers. The first is found with the Dark Iron Spy behind Thelsamar. If you are lucky the spy's Rare version will be there as well. The quest chain including the spy is worth 12K XP and can be completed in 15-20 minutes.

Don't forget to set your hearth to the in Thelsamar. Comment by MrSCH on 2014-03-08T15:39:49-06:00 I noticed near the top when talking about the zone maps you put.

Vanilla wow leveling guide 1-60

In Stranglethorn Vale, you get to infiltrate Zul'Gurub, rescue a raptor and get a new friendly pet ( Lashtail Hatchling), and protect Booty Bay against everyone's favorite pirates, the Bloodsail Buccaneers. I guess I should go back and do some more quests. (To be honest I didn't exactly do a lot of the remade zone quests) Comment by DieFinsternis on 2014-03-09T05:03:33-05:00 Personally, I like leveling via Pet Battles. Pay a Warlock for a port to Halfhill and have that trusty L25 Darkshore Cub pummel the turtles and bandicoos by the lake on the hill. A side effect is the ability to level other pets while at it. An alternative place would be the legendary northish east cliff in Jade Forest.

Lots of critters around. Saves searching for pets, but, at least for my taste, the pets there are more annoying. And one can combine it with dungeoneering, doing every dungeon at least for the quests is worth it IMO.

Comment by ADDOriN on 2014-03-09T12:01:19-05:00 Seems legit:D Comment by kokerkov on 2014-03-10T00:19:37-05:00 Excellent guide! Though Hillsbrad Foothills is contested land, which is considered as 'shared', blizzard removed questline for aliance almost completely.

Quests only existing are not for 20-25. So maybe it should be 'suggested' for Horde players, esp. For undeads Comment by sykopat on 2014-03-10T06:13:14-05:00 Burning Steppes is a must see, the questline there, and especially the conclusion of it, is hilarious.:) Comment by dexyn on 2014-03-10T09:04:29-05:00 looks cool but how long playtime do you assume this is going to take? Comment by solidity on 2014-03-18T06:38:27-05:00 Not 100% sure on how long it would take normally, but I just finished leveling a Warlock from 1-60 with heirlooms and guild xp bonus. Took me just shy of 16 hours /played time. I mainly quested (exclusively in the Eastern Kingdoms) while queuing for dungeons as long as there was a good chance of landing in one where I hadn't done the quests yet. I took note of my /played time every 5 levels and calculated that /played time per level started at about 12 min and rose to almost 30 min closer to level 60.

One huge time sink is travelling. From level 40 to 45, I averaged 29 min per level instead of the 18 min in the 5-level-brackets before and after that, simply due to flying from the Plague Lands down to Ironforge and back to learn the fast riding. Setting your Hearthstone to something like Shat/Dala/Shrine is really helpful, as is a guildmate with a two-seated flying mount for taxi-services.

Comment by lankybrit on 2014-03-18T13:07:12-05:00 You know, I may be crazy. But after doing most of the EK Alliance zones, I go over to Kalimdor before coming back to EK. That is, after Badlands, I take the ship from Stormwind to Teldrassil, fly to Moonglade and then start questing the last few quests of Felwood, followed by Winterspring. Then I head back to Swamp of Sorrows (fly to Morgan's Vigil and get the quest to board the rocket to SoS).

Any and all feedback is appreciated! Hello fellow forum readers and wow players, and welcome to my little guide to leveling. I have many times spotted people in-game sitting some place in a major city, asking in trade channel where he or she should go after having reached a certain level.

Not being sure which zones is worth paying a visit to due to many facts. As much as i wish i could answer everyone and help them get on their way, this is somewhat a problem as people all around the globe with different time-zones as i am in are playing, and i would therefor have to be awake 24/7 on-line in order to do so. This is why i decided to give you some of my time to make you all a little friendly leveling helper guide. Please do not take this as an exact guide, as there is many different ways of how you can level by questing, and you are most likely not to visit all the zones that are available. This guide is just a little helper to get you started, and i will try the best i can to point you in the right directions.

Leveling instructions Night Elf: Teldrassil Quest your way to level 10 through Teldrassil. Run to Darnassus and talk to a guard, ask for directions to the Bank.

Once you are at the bank, run around it and you will see a red glow under a tree, run into this glow. Now you are met with 2 things, a Flight path to your left, and a Dock that leads to Darkshore. Go pick up your first Flight path, then run to the docks and take the boat to Darkshore. When arriving in Darkshore, you will want to do 2 things, pick up the Flight path, and talk to the Innkeeper and set your heart stone here. Darkshore Now pick up all quests you find and start doing them, you will want to quest here until you reach level 20. When you have reached level 20, run back to Darnassus to learn Apprentice Riding (4g), as well as buying your first mount (1g).

Mount up and run to the Flight path and fly to Darkshore. From Darkshore, run south and into Ashenvale, keep on the road until you reach Orendil's Retreat, where you will run to the west as there is a camp named Blackfathom Camp, pick up the Flight path. Now run to Astranaar and set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Ashenvale Now, pick up all the quests you can find, and start questing your way to level 25. At level 25, you'll have to go to Stonetalon Mountains, to get here you will have to run down south from Astranaar to Stardust Spire, pick up the Flight path. Now run further down and into Stonetalon Mountains, pick up the quests you find as you run to Windshear Hold. When you arrive at Windshear Hold, pick up the Flight path, and set your heart stone here if possible.

Stonetalon Mountains Start questing and picking up flight paths as you go until you reach level 30. You are now level 30, and will have to get your way to Desolace. Make your way south of Farwatcher's Glen, past the lava on your map and through the path in the mountains. From here you will keep on the road and head up to your left in the first 'fork' in the road. Head up the mountain to Nijel's Point and pick up the Flight path, and set your heart stone here. Desolace Now pick up and do all the quests you find, and do this to you hit 35.

Run to Thargad's Camp and get the Flight path before you run down the road east of Gelkis Village. Move through the mountains and down to Feralas, keep on the road, and head down the left path at the 'fork' to get to Dreamer's Rest, pick up the Flight path and set your heart stone here.

Feralas Do all the quests, and pick up all quests you see as you are questing your way to level 40. Now that you are level 40, make your way back to Darnassus and learn Journeyman Riding (50g), as well as buying your second mount (10g). Head down to Feathermoon Stronghold and follow the road to the east into Tousand Needles. This part might be a bit tricky, as it seems as Thousand Needles is under water now, you will have to make way all the way down to Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge before you get a new Flight path. Pick up any and all quests you find while heading down to the Speedbarge and do these, you will most likely be directed towards the Speedbarge in the end anyways. Once you have reached Speedbarge, set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path.

Thousand Needles Great, you have made it this far, do all the quests you pick up, and get to level 45. Now you reached level 45, and you will have to get to Tanaris. Swim to the south of Speedbarge and head down to Tanaris, there should be a quest at the boarder of Thousand Needles and Tanaris, pick this up. Run to Gadgetzan and set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Tanaris You got to level 45, and should have at least 1 quest in your quest log now, pick up the rest in Gadgetzan and quest your way to level 50. At level 50, you will have to move to Un'Goro Crater.

To get here, start running to the south of The Noxious Lair, you will find a pathway heading down the mountain side. Pick up the quests on your way to Marshal's Stand, where you will pick up the Flight path.

Wow Level Guide 1 60

And set your heart stone here. Un'Goro Crater Now start doing the same as always, pick up any and all quests and do them, get to level 55, you are only 3 levels away from Outland! You reached Level 55, good. Now you have to stop in Silithus, last stop before Outland. Run up north West and pick up the Flight path at Mossy Pile.

Now, above The Screaming Reaches is a pathway throught the mountains, follow the pathway picking up any quests you come. Head towards the big mountain with the name Cenarion Hold, once here set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Silithus Same old, Same old.

Pick up any and all quests, do them as you see fit, just reach at least level 58, you could do quests here until you reach 60 if you like, but you have to be 58 for the first Outland quests. Zone Level requirements: Location Level of zone Minimum level requirement to pick up quests. Night Elf: Teldrassil: Level 1 - 10 Darkshore: Level 10 - 20 (8) Ashenvale: Level 20 - 25 (19) Stonetalon Mountains: Level 25 - 30 (24) Desolace: Level 30 - 35 (27) Feralas: Level 35 - 40 (34) Thousand Needles: Level 40 - 45 (38) Tanaris: Level 45 - 50 (43) Un'Goro Crater: Level 50 - 55 (49) Silithus: Level 55 - 60 (54).


It is highly recommended that you wait until you reach the respected level requirements of each zone, even if you could go pick up the earliest quests. Human: Elwynn Forest Do the quests you find in front of you, and pick up the others, keep on doing this until you reach level 10, to help you, you should set your heart stone at Goldshire when you get there. You are now level 10, and got quite a bit you should do before moving on to westfall. First off, make sure you got the Flight path in Goldshire, Eastvale Logging Camp.

Also run into Stormwind a quick trip to pick up that Flight path while you are at it. Yes, there is quite a bit of running, but trust me, its worth it. Now start running to Westfall and pick up the quests at The Jansen Stead, and pick up the Flight path at Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm. Now start running down to Sentinel Hill to set your heart stone, and pick up the Flight path. Westfall Start picking up the quests in Sentinell Hill, and go do all the other quests, do this until you hit level 15. Now here is the part where all the running in Elwynn Forest starts paying, you will now have to use the Flight path to fly up to Eastvale Logging Camp. From here you run west and into Redridge Mountains, here you will be met with a huge lookout tower, there should be some quests here, you'd want to pick them up and do them.

While your doing some of the quests, you'll end up being close to a Flight path, go pick it up, and head to the innkeeper to set your heart stone at Lakeshire. Redridge Mountains You're at Lakeshire now, with lots of quests available, pick them up and do them, make sure to pick up the uFlight paths while you are questing your way to level 20. When you have reached level 20, fly to Eastvale Logging Camp and learn Apprentice Riding (4g), as well as buying your first mount (1g). Now start running to the south west until you hit a road, take the road to the south and head down into Duskwood. Keep on the road all the way down to Darkshire and pick up your Flight path/b as well as usetting your heart stone to Darkshire. Darkshire Darkshire is quite annoying usually, there is a lot of long walks involved, but if you like reading quests, it might be fun after all, there is a lot of worgens involved here. Do quests until you have reached 25 Your at level 25, and the next stop is Northern Stranglethorn.

To get here, run to the middle of Duskwood, follow the road leading south and you will eventually come to a stop. Now you can only turn to the right and start running towards Rebel Camp, pick up the Flight path and the quests. Northern Stranglethorn This zone is probably one of the zones most changed by Deathwing, so you get a new feel here. However, keep questing until you reach level 30. Run down to Fort Livingston and set your heart stone here and pick up the Flight path. Pick up the quests here and do them, eventually you should be directed down to The Cape of Stranglethorn, where you have to visit Explorer's League Digsite, pick up the Flight path here.

The Cape of Stranglethorn Start questing your way to level 35 When you are finished here, you'll have to run to Booty Bay, where you should pick up the Flight path before you have to take the boat over to Dustwallow Marsh. Once you are at Dustwallow Marsh, you'll want to pick up the Flight path, and set your heart stone here.

Dustwallow Marsh You made it over the sea without getting sea sick i hope, anyways. Start questing here to hit level 40 Now that you are level 40, make your way back to Booty Bay and fly to Eastvale Logging Camp to learn Journeyman Riding (50g), as well as buying your second mount (10g). Now use your heart stone to get back to Dustwallow Marsh, from here start swimming south, and into Thousand Needles. Pick up any and all quests you find on your way down to Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge.

Once you have reached Speedbarge, set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Tousand Needles Great, you have made it this far, do all the quests you pick up, and get to level 45. Now you reaced level 45, and you will have to get to Tanaris. Swim to the south of Speedbarge and head down to Tanaris, there should be a quest at the boarder of Tousand Needles and Tanaris, pick this up. Run to Gadgetzan and set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Tanaris You got to level 45, and should have at least 1 quest in your quest log now, pick up the rest in gadgetzan and quest your way to level 50. At level 50, you will have to move to Un'Goro Crater.

To get here, start running to the south of The Noxious Lair, you will find a pathway heading down the mountain side. Pick up the quests on your way to Marshal's Stand, where you will pick up the Flight path. And set your heart stone here. Un'Goro Crater Now start doing the same as always, pick up any and all quests and do them, get to level 55, you are only 3 levels away from Outland! You reached Level 55, good. Now you have to stop in Silithus, last stop before Outland. Run up north West and pick up the Flight path at Mossy Pile.

Now, above The Screaming Reaches is a pathway throught the mountains, follow the pathway picking up any quests you come. Head towards the big mountain with the name Cenarion Hold, once here set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Zone Level requirements: Location Level of zone Minimum level requirement to pick up quests.

Human: Elwynn Forest: Level 1 - 10 Westfall: Level 10 - 15 (9) Redridge Mountains: Level 15 - 20 (14) Duskwood: Level 20 - 25 (18) Northern Stranglethorn: Level 25 - 30 (24) The Cape of Stranglethorn: Level 30 - 35 (29) Dustwallow Marsh: 35 - 40 (32) Thousand Needles: Level 40 - 45 (38) Tanaris: Level 45 - 50 (43) Un'Goro Crater: Level 50 - 55 (49) Silithus: Level 55 - 60 (54). It is highly recommended that you wait until you reach the respected level requirements of each zone, even if you could go pick up the earliest quests. Dwarf/Gnome: Note: The Dwarf/Gnome's routes are kind of messed up, you have to run far distances from one place to another, and then back, just to go all the way to the end again etc. This is why i will be going from Loch Modan and into the Humans routes, as this route makes more sense. Gnomes starts inside Gnomeregan, Dwarfs starts in Coldridge Valley at Anvilmar. Start picking up your quests and start the journey towards level 10, if you have done Dwarfs many times, id suggest going Gnome as they have recaptured and overtaken Gnomeregan, so this means new quests:) Dun Morogh Pick up the quests you find and go hunting for animals or creatures to kill, sooner or later you'll find your self at level 10, and all the fun is over in the zone. Take the road to the east all the way over to the mountains, and run through the cave you see there, pick up any quests you find on your way to Loch Modan, and you should end up at Telsamar sooner or later.

Once you hit Telsamar, don't forget to set your heart stone here, and get the Flight path. Loch Modan: Now you are faced with another zone to quest in, start questing and pick up any quests you find on your way, remember, any quest is a good quest. If you do this, you will hit level 20 pretty quickly.

Now that you are level 20, you will want to head over to Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh to learn Apprentice Riding (4g), as well as buying your first mount (1g). Ok, this is where you stop going the Dwarf and Gnome routes, and head over to Duskwood. To do this, you will have to enter Ironforge to pick up the Flight path and go to Tinker Town district, from there take the tram/ram to Stormwind, once at Stormwind, you should go get the Flight path, since you got a mount, start running to Goldshire to get the Flight path there, and then head to Eastvale Logging Camp where you will find another Flight path to get, grab this, and head south east over the water until you find a road. When you hit the road, follow it down to Duskwood, and set your heart stone there, as well as picking up the Flight path Darkshire Darkshire is quite annoying usually, there is a lot of long walks involved, but if you like reading quests, it might be fun after all, there is a lot of worgens involved here. Do quests until you have reached 25 Your at level 25, and the next stop is Northern Stranglethorn. To get here, run to the middle of Duskwood, follow the road leading south and you will eventually come to a stop.

Now you can only turn to the right and start running towards Rebel Camp, pick up the Flight path and the quests. Northern Stranglethorn This zone is probably one of the zones most changed by Deathwing, so you get a new feel here. However, keep questing until you reach level 30. Run down to Fort Livingston and set your heart stone here and pick up the Flight path. Pick up the quests here and do them, eventually you should be directed down to The Cape of Stranglethorn, where you have to visit Explorer's League Digsite, pick up the Flight path here.

The Cape of Stranglethorn Start questing your way to level 35 When you are finished here, you'll have to run to Booty Bay, where you should pick up the Flight path before you have to take the boat over to Dustwallow Marsh. Once you are at Dustwallow Marsh, you'll want to pick up the Flight path, and set your heart stone here. Dustwallow Marsh You made it over the sea without getting sea sick i hope, anyways. Start questing here to hit level 40. Now that you are level 40, make your way back to Booty Bay and fly to Eastvale Logging Camp to learn Journeyman Riding (50g), as well as buying your second mount (10g).

Note: If you can not buy a mount from here, fly to Ironforge and go back to Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh. Now use your heart stone to get back to Dustwallow Marsh, from here start swimming south, and into Thousand Needles. Pick up any and all quests you find on your way down to Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge. Once you have reached Speedbarge, set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Tousand Needles Great, you have made it this far, do all the quests you pick up, and get to level 45. Now you reaced level 45, and you will have to get to Tanaris. Swim to the south of Speedbarge and head down to Tanaris, there should be a quest at the boarder of Tousand Needles and Tanaris, pick this up.

Run to Gadgetzan and set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Tanaris You got to level 45, and should have at least 1 quest in your quest log now, pick up the rest in gadgetzan and quest your way to level 50. At level 50, you will have to move to Un'Goro Crater.

To get here, start running to the south of The Noxious Lair, you will find a pathway heading down the mountain side. Pick up the quests on your way to Marshal's Stand, where you will pick up the Flight path. And set your heart stone here. Un'Goro Crater Now start doing the same as always, pick up any and all quests and do them, get to level 55, you are only 3 levels away from Outland! You reached Level 55, good. Now you have to stop in Silithus, last stop before Outland.

Run up north West and pick up the Flight path at Mossy Pile. Now, above The Screaming Reaches is a pathway throught the mountains, follow the pathway picking up any quests you come. Head towards the big mountain with the name Cenarion Hold, once here set your heart stone here, and pick up the Flight path. Zone Level requirements: Location Level of zone Minimum level requirement to pick up quests.

Dwarf/Gnome: Dun Morogh: Level 1 - 10 Loch Modan: Level 10 - 20 (8) Duskwood: Level 20 - 25 (18) Northern Stranglethorn: Level 25 - 30 (24) The Cape of Stranglethorn: Level 30 - 35 (29) Dustwallow Marsh: 35 - 40 (32) Thousand Needles: Level 40 - 45 (38) Tanaris: Level 45 - 50 (43) Un'Goro Crater: Level 50 - 55 (49) Silithus: Level 55 - 60 (54). It is highly recommended that you wait until you reach the respected level requirements of each zone, even if you could go pick up the earliest quests.

Teldrassil: Level 1 - 10 Dun Morogh: Level 1 - 10 Westfall: Level 10 - 15 Redridge Mountains: Level 15 - 20 Darkshore: Level 10 - 20 Loch Modan: Level 10 - 20 Duskwood: Level 20 - 25 Ashenvale: Level 20 - 25 Northern Stranglethorn: Level 25 - 30 Stonetalon Mountains: Level 25 - 30 The Cape of Stranglethorn: Level 30 - 35 Desolace: Level 30 - 35 Dustwallow Marsh: 35 - 40 Feralas: Level 35 - 40 Thousand Needles: Level 40 - 45 Tanaris: Level 45 - 50 Un'Goro Crater: Level 50 - 55 Silithus: Level 55 - 60 Addons You might want: Questhelper: It seems like Questhelper has officially been updated and is now in production yet another time. If you do not like, or can not get used to the new in-game quest tracking feature, this is your addon to use. It will optimize your traveling route while questing by showing you an ant-trail on the mini-map and world map. By hovering over the quest marks on the maps, it will tell you what you have to do, and which quest it belongs to. And many more functions that will optimize your leveling experience. Recount: Recount is a combat meeter to put it simple and easy, this addon searches through the combat log and shows you reports for everything from DPS/Damage Per Second to how many times each person has died on an encounter.

It has everything you could possibly want to know about you, or others in your party. Titanpanel: Titan Panel gives you lots of options that are useful, such as removing the minimap icons to put them addons on this panel, and its very customizable. ZoneLevelInfo: ZoneLevelInfo will just simply show you the level ranges of whatever zone you are hovering over on your map, quit handy if you want to know if you could take other zones to quest in then the ones i listed.

Omen Threat Meter: Omen Threat Meter gives you a little box that will show you how much threat you have on the selected target, or who has to slow down on the DPS to not over aggro things, it is a quite handy addon, however, not really that usefull in the 1 - 60 level range. Choose at your own wish. Decursive: Decursive is an extremely great addon to have if you can dispel anything, this addon will give you a fully customizable and movable line of bars (depending on how many people are in your group), and if someone in your group has a debuff, then their 'bar' will light up red if it is magic, and blackbrown if it is a curse. All you have to do to dispel a person, is to either Left Click the highlighted bar, or Right Click the highlighted bar, and that person is dispelled.

Deadly Boss Mods: Deadly Boss Mods gives you fake raid warnings whenever the boss or creature starts casting something that you have to pay attention to, and it gives you cooldown bars showing you, i.e. When the next time a boss can use Bloodlust.

It is very useful, even for those not raiding at all, however, this addon is a Must for raiders. Atlas: Atlas is also a great addon, this is sort of a in-game world wide. It gives you options to see whatever map of whatever zone you want to get a better understanding of, it has also dungeon maps. Great to have if you have not explored too much yet. AtlasLoot Enhanced: Ever wondered what a boss drops? Or what faction sells the head enchant that you need?

Or what about which profession makes the regent that you need to level your profession? Then this addon is the right choice for you, this will give you an in-game item armory function where you can, search, or maneuver through categories to find exactly what you want. Bagnon: Ever felt it being quite hard to find that one object, among what seems like tens of thousands of other items in your bags, having to open all your bags one at a time, or felt it being annoying? Well, say goodbye to those times, with this addon, you will get all your bags open up as one whole and big bag. This way you can make sure that your heart stone, along with your profession needed material for crafting, and food and water stays at the bottom of your bag, neatly put so you find it easily. EasyMail: Do you receive several pages of mail per day? Are you tired of having to open up them all one by one clicking each item to get them into your bag?

Well, no more! This addon gives you the option of marking whatever mail you want, and it has a cool button that says 'Open Marked' or something like it, when you click this button, it will open all the marked mails and withdraw all the items into your bag automatically.

7:38Posted by Would it be really better if i switch to Ashenvale? Did you favore this region because the quests/exp is faster? Seeing that Ashenvale is a level 20 - 25 zone, it should provide better experience points for your at your level then what Darkshore quests should, however. If i had to be completely honest, i have never really liked Darkshore at all, and therefor i would jump to Ashenvale quickly. Though this is really completely up for the person who is leveling to choose. If you like Darkshore and questing there, then that is a good way to quest, since questing and leveling should be fun for everyone:).

2:47Posted by As you can see, once you are finished in Stranglethorn, you will have to take to mount and start running for a very long distance until you reach the Western Plaguelands or Eastern Plaguelands. Not sure if it's a recent addition or not, but downstairs from the Alliance flight master in Booty Bay, an NPC will portal you to Andorhal in Western Plaguelands when you're the appropriate level for the quest. I think it was 35. It seems that the quest you are speaking of recently got added in patch 4.0.3, so the route you provided does look like a rather valid route without much of running in it.

I'll see what i can do to get it updated and fix the human part to keep in eastern kingdoms. Thanks for pointing this out:).